1. Workout

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You can (and should) scale the workouts to fit your level, but you should never scale so much that you don’t feel challenged. Every workout should feel difficult. Your heart should be racing and you should be sweating. Push yourself as much as you can. Rest when you must, but don’t take more than a minute or two to catch your breath.
Naturally, with gyms shut across the state of Maharashtra due to the COVID-19 virus, you must be missing your daily workouts. To help you out, we’ve cataloged a few fitness exercises that you can try at home.
We can also prefer yoga..There are several videos on various platform.
One of it is shown below.


  • Reduces Stress. Stress reduction is one of the most common reasons people try meditation. ...
  • Controls Anxiety. Less stress translates to less anxiety. ...
  • Promotes Emotional Health. ...
  • Enhances Self-Awareness. ...
  • Lengthens Attention Span. ...
  • May Reduce Age-Related Memory Loss. ...
  • Can Generate Kindness. ...
  • May Help Fight Addictions...

Above shown video is one of the best selected short meditations to do daily. 

3. Eat healthy

 Unhealthy behavior can lead to illness, disability and even death. Recent medical reports show that there has been a rise in health-related issues like metabolic diseases, joint and skeletal problems, cardiovascular diseases, hypertension and obesity. Research has proven that a healthy lifestyle like appropriate diet, satisfactory physical fitness level and a healthy weight can provide health benefits. In summary, for many of us, the modern lifestyle and the stress it causes affects our physical, psychological and social health. Hence, it has become vital to understand the relationship and maintain the right balance. 
So we should utilize this free time as an golden opportunity to have a better health.

How to Eat Healthy Foods and Save Money at the Same Time
